Saturday, December 30, 2006
4 Days
I made a big nice post that had photo's and cool stuff, but the blog site wouldn't let me post it, said i hadn't filled in a neccessary component or something.... and thus, no pictures or blog..
BUT!! I wrote this for everyone!
On the 4th, I leave for Vanuatu, the flight keeps getting changed so it's closer... and closer...
But it's the 4th, so if any of you have any vital and crutial messages you need to get to me... the 4th is potentially the last time i'm near a computer for the next 7 weeks. (mabye once or twice in vanuatu, but i doubt it)
The last week or so has been really good, but busy as well, getting ready for hte SOS, and for outreach. Lots of Goodbyes as other teams head off across the world (Literally) on outreach, and changing atmosphere around the base as they get ready for the next quarter (of the year) with the new schools and DTS's coming up. (For more information visit ) ACTUALLY, on that note, I updated that site! haha cool, you'll have to search around it to see hwat i've updated (because thast more fun) but hints are that it has a link on the main page) but it can still be found in other places.
So it's New years eve for me tongiht, it's currently noon of the 31rst, and tongiht i'll be going to a new years party at this coffee shop that is in the city, (it runs together with the base). So that will be cool. hmm....
(I'm still listening to SAOSIN constantly, and I have some other people hooked on it now, especially the song "Your not alone")
so... mhmm, the days are running out before we head for Vanuatu, And I am pumped
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas
Everything here is going very well, The atmosphere is beginning to get a bit strange as people, not just any people, some of the closest friends I've ever had, are leaving off to the other side of the country, so naturally it feels strange not having them around haha and they've only been gone for a day. SO despite the excitment of people leaving off to the ends of the Earth, everything is still amazing, and Christmas in Australia is one of my new favorites.
Thank you to everyone who sent me Christmas Greetings and wishes, and I hope to continue to hear about all of you and your adventures (or misadventures) back home.
God Bless, and Merry Christmas
- Jonathan Arkle
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Bird on his Head
Currently listening to the new Saosin... woah! HAHA WOAH!
Love it.
Anyways, I digress....
So the past week or so has been busy busy for me, i've been working on "Be Visionary 2" the highly anticipated sequel of the indie film "Be Visionary". I'd put up the trailer i made, but i'm on the wrong computer (Mac, vs Windows)
Does this CD get bad? ever?
So.... last sunday was YWAM Perth's 21rst birthday celebration. That was pretty cool, haha they had a bush dancing band come in, amazing! you'd think lame... but oh ho ho ho, it was not my dear. Fun stuff. But the excitement does not end there, we had our "Commisioning Night" on Tuesday, which essentially like a "Grad thing" for the school's going on outreach, it's a ceremony where they symbolically send us off ready for outreach. We are still in our last week of teachings (Evangelism this week), but it was still really cool (It was during this ceremony that Jon and I showed our movie trailer).
THEN! Tonight is a suprise honourary night for the Base's Founder, Peter Brownhill, and i've been asked to speak! I'm the only person in my class... and boy do I feel honoured. This man is amazing, he is such an inspiration, the things God has done to the world through this man is incredible. So i'm really excited for that, basically get to honour him in front of everyone, i'd love to. (for those deicated readers, he's the one who sings backstreet boys at the end of "Be Visionary", the last line, the climax etc).
SO!!! The days are counting down till Vanuatu...and boy am I excited, it's kind of sad on one hand that i'm splitting up with half of my friends as they go to literally the other side of the world on their trips, but we'll be all back together in Perth on Feb 17th. Vanuatu is going to be amazing, i'm so excited. Actually, cool story
So I chose one called "The man with the Bird on his head". Excellent.
It looked funny, I liked the title, so I grabbed it, took it back to 228 where I put it on my shelf... and forgot about it. I didn't pick it up until two weeks ago... long after I had been on the Fiji team, then it turned into Vanuatu, etcetc. NOW, I grab my book, open up the first page, adn there is the title...written again... i never really understood why books need to repeat the title... everyone already read it on the colourful pretty cover... why write it again on the first/2nd page? "oh, just in case you missed the bold print on the FRONT" ...anyways...
The book's Nation that the missionary was in...was vanuatu! haha and his name is John Russ, the story is about the tribe there has worships a "John Frum (America)", and they naturally think he is their saviour/messiah of sorts because he's John from America. hahah thats where I"m going!! Vanuatu! Pretty cool, I was impressed.
Right... what else is interesting...
Pictures? I'll get to that later, i'll edit this on another laptop... mabye when i'm editing BV2.
Oh, for those of you who didn't know, My Ipod went fubar on me a few weeks ago.... corrupt file or something and i had to reformat it to get it to work again... as a result lost all my music, so thank you again so much for those of you who sent me that CD, haha it means alot. Then People here have been gracious enough to let me borrow music from them via. Itunes on their computer. I think I'm going to start buying my music off of Itunes when I get home, it's amazingly convienient! (The Saosin was bought off Itunes....8 bucks for 13 tracks and the entire booklet plus some? sounds like a deal to me)
But! I should wrap this up so I can get to some filming of BV2. I'll write again sooner, hte internet is working again. (It's been as bad as dial up fo rhte last week, and thus.... not possible to edit, or skype, or anything) But now it's good, so you can hear about my exciting exploits
Love you all
I'll be praying
Haha!! I just realised the title I gave this post is very similar to a Saosin song.... which is awsome, becuase i talked about them both! The book and the song
Bird on his Head
Bury your Head
Friday, December 15, 2006
Skype Dates
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Draft 2?
Yesterday went to the beach, went surfing (no real waves, really windy so all chop), and then went to James Bond in the evening.
Here are just some video's and photo's of life here on base/ when we do things...who we are.
Proverbs 16:6 "Through the Fear of the Lord a man avoids evil"
This week we have been learning about the Fear of the Lord. I had lots of my notes written out and hten for some reason they got deleted, so this is my second attempt to write out some of the key points for those of you who have been asking.
The Fear of the Lord is not to be afraid of God. God does not want you to be afraid of him, it is not a horror story fear, and it is not a fear like "oh no, i don't want him to get mad at me get me in trouble" ...
The Fear of the Lord is the Hatred of Evil
Sin is rebellion against God. and if God is all good, then Sin holds no good.
The heart of Sin is selfishness, it's about living for yourself and your own personal pleasure. You can know that your not supposed to sin, but that doesn't mean that you obey what is right.
James 4: Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Now many may ask why would God discipline his children if he loves them so much? Why would he stop them from getting what they like? If a regular father doesn't discipline his children what do they become? rebellious little punks. It is for your own good, whether or not at the moment you feel like it is.
Essentially the Christian goal is to be like Jesus was and is written in the bible. It's not Rocket science, just be like Jesus, and represent him to all those who know meet you.
If our fear of sin is due to our fear of our own well being, then you will still fall short. Fear of sin should be becuase of reverance for God. Recognition that sin is acting out against him.
But overcome Evil with Good.
Romans 12: 21
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Be Visionary
Anyways, this is it. It had people laughing pretty hard, probably mostly becuase of the familiarity they have with everything, but feel free to enjoy it yourselves. (Special regards to Danny and Nathan for helping out immensly with sending me songs).
The video was a presentation to show one of YWAM's fundamental values. We chose "Be Visionary" and threw this little thing together. It didn't have to be a video, but we thought it would be good to be original. I enjoyed making it, I hope you find it funny in some ways...
Starring Jon Arkle, Jon Neufield, James Nicholson...and many more.
Yes that was a phone book...
There are many people in that video.... but for you guys to understand the "Ending" of the last song was the Base leader/Founder Peter Brownhill.
There is a sequel coming too.... this one isn't for a project though... and there are more involved... including ninjas.
Tommorow comes a week update on my classes. SO be prepared.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
SO, as some of you may have known, Fiji was on the verge of a military coup, and who could have guessed.... it happened. SO due to danger etc, the Fiji location has been changed to a new nation. Vanuatu.
That name may sound familiar to you becuase there was a "Survivor" season "there", however for those of you who do not know where it is, it is just West of Fiji, a smaller island kingdom. We don't know any details more than that because our leader has been off for the last few days meeting his fionce's parents and such, so he's been unable to tell us anything, and we only found out yesterday.
SO yea....... thats about that.
Thank you for those of you who are still reading the blog! Much Appretiated.
A few of us here have really gotten into a TV show that some people have downloaded on iTunes called "Heroes". If any of you are interested.... check it out!! It is so good, we are addicted, it keeps you hooked. A few people have tried to quit watching it.... but we can't, it pulls you in. It's no "Lost" apparently, but it is good nonetheless.
I went to that Pool today, it was amazing, I wish i had never stopped swimming, i was on a high for the rest of hte day becuase i enjoyed being back into it. I'll have to go again SOON. Also, a few weeks ago the Sports DTS had this Olympic coach.. ish someone come in. Someone who is really tight with alot of the atheletes, and he told them that Ian Thorp "Thorpedo" is apparently "SO CLOSE" to understanding Jesus... so he told them to pray for him.
This weeks speaker is this guy Will from Northern Ireland. Really good, he's not nearly as charismatic as our previous speakers but he has alot of a different approach. Honestly,. I can't get over how amazing this course is and how glad I am I came here. The people I've met I feel like I've known my entire life like... the best relationships you could ever imagine, the things I've learned and experienced... wow, hte course itself makes Australia like a sidenote haha but even that is obviously amazing. For real everyone... Im not going to stop reccommending this to EVERYONE. Yes that means you Mike, Amanda, Danny, Michelle, Casey, and everyone else reading this blog. This course has just been a constant...awsomeness?
ALSO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR E-MAILS, i print them off and read them over and over and over, and I really do mean to write back to all of you. Some of you we have been having pretty constant "E-mail conversations", those have been nice don't let those stop!
BUT, I'm going to get to bed early, I think i'm running out of sleep.
Pray Dangerous Prayers
- Jonathan
(woah... my full name? wierd... i decided to try it.. just once, we'll see)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I had this post all typed up, and then i LOST it.
I wrote about having 1 less laptop access becuase I helped prank the person who lends one of them to me (but not the one i like to use..heh, phew). Anyways, looks like he didn't appretiate the prank, and although i wasn't even the one who got him bad, i got punished, sigh
the worst part is that for hte last few weeks i had been working on this video which i FINALLY finished and presented on firday. It had the class in tears of laughter. It was amazing how much they loved it. Anyways... its' on the laptop.. and they guy says he MIGHT give it to me.... gr.
Walked 15K today for our walkathon. I dind't get any pledges out becasue....becuase. AND thats about it that i can think of
I was tryign to post pictures, but i'm goign to wait until the owner is here because he can tell me how to do it properly, so they arn't sideways.
okay... now to figure out hte sideways sotuation
Guess not, enjoy your neck cramps
Listening to Saosin... My taste in music has been so fine tuned and i love it. I'm really deciding which bands I actually do like, and it's really cool. Was listening to Lost Prophets earlier Danny.
Skype: Jonarkle
I can't really think of what else to write. This week was amazing speakerwise, like.... imagine going to a school where you listen to only people who are so filled with wisdom you wish you could ask them EVERY question about life and they could probably answer. Like.... this guy had such incredible stories of when he's talked to some of the most powerful leaders in south america, and so many more... like.... wow, the live's some of these people have had are incredible, it's amazing just to hear their stories let alone their teaching.
(How's that sound?.... Good? Talk to me about YWAM)
Anywyas, i'm off for now, i'll update again soon, VERY soon this time I guarantee.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I seem to have lost my Thursday Zip up.... which is needless to say, very dissapointing.
This morning I washed my Jeans for the first time since I got here... excellent.
Our speaker this week is this Argentinian guy (Alexandro Rodriguez) who has a translater just so he can get his points across much quicker a nd much more fluently without having to search for the "perfect word". It's pretty cool, really good speaker, AND it's funny when sometimes instead of talking to us he just turns and talks to the guy who is translating (A staff at YWAM). It's good.
Went swimming at sunset yesterday in Ocean, pictures later.
I really...really want to buy a surfboard,,,,, decision later
Annnnnd, oh! myself and some others almost got into a fight with some drunk little punk last friday, but we didn't provoke pr respond, so he couldn't really do much... more updates later :)
Okay! so what happened was on friday is I was talking with his Muslim guy (Adiel) from Pakistan. We had been talking for a while and we kept talking till 2am haha he was so interested in EVERYTHING I had to say, it was amazing!, BUT anwyays while IU was tlaking to him and some friends were there as well (Chucky, Chris, and Eric) and this group of drunk teens came up and started hanging out nearby. I guess one of them had a problem with my face because he kept yelling at me telling me to stop smiling, and then cussing and saying I was showing him disrespect. Anyways... he got mad, came up to me and was all up in my face, I kept my feet feet planted and didn't move even when he slapped me and would put his fist up against my face. Then Chucky, (our amazing Samoin warrior) got up and told him to get out of here we didn't want to start anything, and this got the little twerp even MORE upset so he started getting all up in Chucky's face telling him to sit down before he calls up his brother who will stomp him down. blah blah blah
Anyways... all's well that ends well, he got freaked out by the Bible, and left us alone HA. When he saw Eric's he was acting like it was some sort of disease.... funny stuff.
What else..... I just saw a guy this morning who I thought looked like Chuck Norris
And i realised I need to put more pictures up on this thing so that I can remember more stories of my escapades.
OH! On Sunday we had a car wash to raise money for outreach. haha I held signs all day at the intersection and had people giving me money just because htey htought i was funny. People coming to the carwash were syaing "that guy over there is great" and all sorts of awsome compliments from nice aussie drivers. It was sweet, i had some people laughing so hard they were hitting their steering wheels at the red light.
So much fun.
Peace up
A Town Down.
SKYPE: Jonarkle
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thank you guys so much.... I havn't been able to stop smiling, it is the most amazing thing ever, thank you so much. Haha, danny I saw your present and it made me laugh, thats awsome buddy, thank you so much hahah man, i miss you dude. And mike, your present probably has the most sentimental whatnot to it, and thank you so much, those two are going to be put to good use. You'll see. And michelle, thank you so much for all the work you put into that, it's amazing i'll be looking at it all the time. Ms. Keyworth!!! (well... not anymore heh) I was so shocked to see your letter haha but i could tell it was you as soon as I opened it! I'm so happy for you and the picture looks amazing!
Thank you most of all to Nicole though, for putting all that together, that was awsome, your amazing, and thank you so much for the shirt haha and the CD! and just.... everything!! man, I love all you so much, looks like you all had fun at mike's whatchamacallit, good to hear.
Thank you
Today at work duties Simon (Aussie) and myself drove to this part of perth to try to get rid of some junk, we drove around forever, took some risks only to find out that it closed 30 min before we got there.... grr
I love this DTS, and I wish you guys could all be here doing it with me, it's life changning, and only in the positive way, Revelations like nuts... and just.... wow, i would reccommend this to all of you in less than a heartbeat. I don't regret a second of this.
Weekend now... I need to get a book report done, hopefully go to the beach becuase I havn't been there in forever and i want to go, i'm sereoulsy contemplating buying a surfboard.... and tommorow i might go over to our School leaders place. (Caleb Brownhill) he announced the other day he's having a baby, which is really awsome, I'm pumped for him.
The last few days have been really good for my patriotism, I've been having so many of my habits classified as "Canadian" even my sarcastic humour which not all the americans particularily appretiate, but it's still Canadian so to me and the others, it's all good. We understand it.
Thank you all again so much, i've been showing you off to all my friends here haha "This is Michelle, and this is Danny, and this is Mike, we've known each other since we were born..." etc etc etc
(Laura Degraff! I need to get a picture of a person here for you... he looks exactly like Warren!)
Peace up
A town down.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Stuck in a Moment
I'm always going to be there for all of you... if you want me to be.
Hope is always going to be there for you... If you want it to be.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Banana Pancakes
This morning it's raining, and it's beautiful. I'm listening to Sum 41- Does this Look Infected and boy does it bring back memories of Mexico. (Casey, Davis (heh), Ryan, Weon Joon, Rob, Nazuki, Robin, wow awsome times witih Mr. Arcuri)
Anyways, the other night (Sat) they had some "farce awards"night, to give people who live on base some funny awards (everything from look alike to 'foot in mouth' award, best toilet story on outreach etc). It was also a half birthday thing for the Founder/ Leader of Perth YWAM base. At the night they wanted people to either dress their best or dress as movie star's etc. That day I had worn a bandana and then chucky comes across this revelation that "JON LOOKS LIKE BAM MARGERA!", I didn't really think so, but I played along, and went as Bam. Pictures are below. (It was suprising to say the least, up to that point soo many people say I look like Tom Cruise in his younger years. Some people just call me "Tom", so it was cool to hear I "look" like someone else)
Last night I watched "Tears of the Sun", some Bruce Willis movie about Rebels in Uganda, kind of a mix of Predator... Hotel Rawanda and Saving Private Ryan.... good movie none the less.
This week in lectures it's the one everyone has been looking forward to because it's so different from the rest of the lectures. "Relationships" haha, but not just in the romantic sense, just relationships with people in general. The Sports DTS and us (DTS classic as I like to call it) are being molded into one class for the week, Should be cool.
BUT the really cool news of the weekend was the Red Bull Air Race. On Sunday there was an Air Race on the Perth river, really cool, planes doing this course of sorts (Individually though, like time trails). It was the final, and had some F-18's at the end do some cool stuff. haha there was even a Jumbo Jet that flew over and went up and down over the river, that was cool.
And thats the weekend's update. Listen to Jack Johnson.
Pictures! (sorry to many for this being a "kangaroo post")
Me -- Peter Jackson (Travis) -- Tobias

Cory (SOE) and I

Class, don't let people see your camera.

Me.. in front of the river

Bubble Tea phenomenon.

Airplane can you see it?

Elton John. (Phil SDTS)

Friday, November 17, 2006
Outreach Details
So as many of you readers may know, come Christmas time I will no longer be staying in Perth but rather going onto the "Outreach phase" of my DTS.
My Country that I am going to is Fiji, however, there is an extra catch to what I am involved with...
YWAM calls it the "Summer Of Service" which is much like an extended "missions summer camp" idea. This will take place in Perth at the base from December 27th to January 2nd for preperation and then 5 days for the orientation and getting the youth (mostly u-17 year olds from my understanding) ready for Fiji. The SOS also applys to the DTS outreach team that is going to Indonesia. Myself and the rest of the DTS outreach teams are Staff for the SOS, so essentially we are getting a quick crash course example of what it would be like to be staff for the DTS itself.
Once the Perth time is over, the SOS outreach comes, that goes from January 6th to the 20th. That takes place in the Village that we are staying in for most of the time, building homes, churches and working with an organisation called "HOMES OF HOPE" that works with Women who have been victimized by Rape and other such injustices.
That outreach lasts till the 20th as I said, but then our leader, Joe Marino, heads off back to Perth with all the SOS youth and we are on the island alone for a few days, we continue to work.
When Joe gets back we continue to work in the village and possibly we may do some island hopping in which we Promote that IMPACT WORLD TOUR that I have mentioned before.
After Fiji we come back to Perth and work at the I.W.T.
And that is all I know for now, I also will be getting some forms for fundraising things that we will be doing that they would like us to send back to home and possibly get some help with funds. But I won't focus on that topic right now.
Chucky (Chenaniah) wanted me to say that my team is humbled by having his presence on the team. We are all so glad to have a person like Chucky in our lives and without him this outreach would not be the same.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Further Seems Forever - Light Up Ahead
Last night was a random free night actually, so I went out for what is called "Bubble tea" with some friends. It's like iced tea except with these wierd....things at the bottom of it. It's kind of wierd, but good nonetheless.
For those of you who are into music, my playlists as of late have been Cry of the Afflicted, some Stutterfly and Bleedingalarm, and alot of U2 and Further Seems Forever. Dan, if your reading this I've also been listening to Stick to your Guns haha.
I've finally found a pool! It's wierd.... as soon as i saw it i had a wierd deja veau like feeling.... it wasn't really like the 'regular' deja veau, this one was just like... i've seen this building before. It's unsettling actually... but I want to get some good excercise.
That's really all for me, sorry that theres not any new news about the school or Fiji or anything, but as i said before, this is just to show that updates will be much more frequent.
Thank you to everyone who would still check frequently even when it took me weeks to update, You are all amazing.
- Jon
Monday, November 13, 2006
Take this Day,
So, last weekend the entire DTS (the name of the school I'm in) went to this campgroudn for the weekend. We were ending our week on lordship there and friday night ended late after a long time of "application" as it's called. Anyways, on Saturday we (I) spent most of our time down by this awsome little river that was beside the campground, and jumped in swam etc etc blah blah. Jumped out of a 30 foot tree branch etc. And that was that.
Oh! But, another crazy "is that God talking?" story starts now, okay, after a friend of mine (Jordan) jumped out of the 30 foot tree he took off his shirt in the water. (We were wearing shirts becuase the climp up the tree was pretty scratchy). The shirt sank immediatly after he took it off down to the bottom somewhere of this 10-12 foot deep river, and everything down there was pitch black (the water had a greeny tinge to it because of these "tea trees" all around it). He was a bit choked becuase it had been his favorite shirt, so I offered to dive down and try to find it. I looked for about 20 min (with goggles) and even got the help from another person just diving up and down up and down in this river trying to find this dark coloured shirt, but to no avail. We had scanned and gridded the entire area, and even prayed that we'd find it...nothing. Finally after about 20 min I gave up becuase my lungs were burning from all the diving up and down continuously and i made my way back to the shore. When I got back to the shore I looked back out to the water and then suddenly in my mind a pinpoint location was made, and my eyes focused on a very very specific spot on the waters surface and then this voice in my head....(for those dedicated was the same sounding voice as the one in my 5 in the morning talks) tells me "Look there" so i figure....meh, why not. So i swim out to that specific spot, that exact spot that had been pinpointed and then I dive straight down.... The shirt was right beside my feet when the hit the bottom.
True Story, no Exageration.
Sorry that this blog has been lacking on the updates, internet is not so good here, so please forgive me everyone.
Happy Birthday Mike
This week in class the lectures are on "Submission and Authority", really interesting week. Our Speaker is Andy Lim, our Regional Director for YWAM. Very wise and humble man, really good speaker (Quite different from Mark Parker last week, probably one of the most intense human beings I've ever met.)
When I get a chance on a computer that is not quite so slow, i will do my best to update with pictures. But as for now, that is all the news i can think of
Oh wait! haha I almost got Mugged last week. haha, alright, last tuesday i was out in a part of the city called Mt. Lawly with our small group. As we were walking back towards the base, a friend (Chris) and I ran into a music store to look at movie posters. When we got back out, our group had moved out ahead. So I say to Chris
"Lets run up a back alley or something, and get ahead of them so they will see us and be confused"
Chris then asks "why would we run up an alleyway" appropriatly I responded with "So we'll have a good story to tell"... little did I know. So we find a backroad, and start to run around the block until Chris notices an actual alleyway going behind a restraunt or something. We begin to run down the alleyway until a big white van with no windows at the back begins to drive down the alley towards us. We move to the side of the alleyway and stop running so that we can get past the van (Narrow alleyway). As we approach the van I hear yelling inside "GET OUT GET OUT NOW", I assumed it was people fighting inside) anyways, as we begin to pass this van the doors slide open and 6 guys and 2 girls come speeding out, one of them coming around the van to head me off before I could get around. Actually pushing me back with his hand so that we were both surrounded in a circle by them all. One was jumping around and the one who pushed me began talking really fast "Why are you two running down the alley? Did you steal something? You don't run that fast unless you've stolen something, did you steal hash? you guys got hash? what are you guys doing back here? you wanna get robbed? whatcha got? these guys look like they want to get robbed" and they all started to move in closer, one of them getting all up in chris's face. We played dumb tourist and acted like we were so confused we couldn't answer the questions. These guys were looking for a fight and would get all up in our faces trying to provoke us, but we stayed calm and even when they moved in and threatened to take our stuff we stayed calm. The "leader" then lost intrest and shoved past me grabbing Chris' hat as he left saying "**** you guys, I'm taking this hat"
He then grabs Chris's black LA hat and walks off, while his "posse" followed him all swearing and obviously quite proud of their accomplishment of the evening. Chris as obviously choked and he just began to walk away in silence (he wears that hat every day) and as the 'gang?" started to walk away I got and the attention of one of the girls who was walking at the back of the group and said "Hey, we're not even from around here... is there any chance we could get his hat back?" the girl then said "oh? your hat got taken?" "yea... he just grabbed it off his head" "oh okay just hold on" so she goes around the corner after the guy we hear the 'hat thief' describe what he thought of us in a few explicit terms then the hat comes flying back into the alleyway. Chris walks over to it, picks it up, puts it on then goes "thanks bro, see you later" (very cheeky) then we run to catch up with our group... who were talking about kangaroo's or something...
WOAH! (Crikey?)
I'll update more often I promise, it'll become a daily to semi daily thing, but the posts may not always be so exciting....ish.
Oh, okay, for those of you who are reading who do not quite understand what YWAM is, it's a Missions organisation, so Missionary work. I am not in Australia for the entire 6 months, On December 27th I will be leaving Australia to go to Fiji. I will be in Fiji until end of feb, where I will then come back to Australia to work with this Huge international tour thing called Impact World Tour

This is my current "Job". It's the Property shed on base, everything in there has been donated from various places becuase YWAM pretty much has to live off of donations. The people in the picture are James (kiwi far) and Eric (close, american) Eric is on my outreach team to go to Fiji. It is Eric, this other guy Chucky

This is where I eat. Plain and simple, this is the Audotorium, it is essentially the "meeting place" there are two floors ish... same room, two levels? and they are used to help the Friday night service that YWAM hosts.

This is where I sleep. It looks messy.. it's not always that messy. Top two shelves are mind, and it is what I live out of. Top is for clothes, bottom is for food, paper/pens/books, toothbrush toothpaste etc, and such.
And thats that, I'm off to get some things done. I'll post again soon (PROMISE) so thank you for reading thus far and please come back.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Okay, so it seems like everyone is kind of interested in how the school works.... alright, well every morning we have to be up by 6 for morning excercise. This maintains confidence that during outreach we will be able to be disciplined enough to be up and ready to start working. Some friends and I have started playing Ultimate Frisbee as our morning sport and it has become one of the more competitive games played in the morning (if not THE). The other day it was myself, Jimmy (Hemi, James, i switch around), Adrian (German, you havn't seen pictures yet, i'll get some) and this girl star (just becuase we had to) vs. like 10 people. We won.
After that we have a bit of free time till 8:00 when we have to do chores around the base, this switches up every few weeks and doens't last too long, then by 9:30-10:30 anytime there it is time to go to class. Our classes take place in..a classroom? at the base, it is cold but good becuase it keeps you awake... other than the large map of the world on the wall, the room doesn't have too much to keep you awake... except the speakers...*cough*.

heh... Fun with Macs Mike! I want one so badly now haha it is the sleekest computer ever.... i've been using a friends "MacBook" anyways enough about that
Classes end at about Lunch time, usually cut into it so then we eat, then it's work duties time. Everyone has a work duty ranging from Media (Graphic art for the website etc) to Garden work. I'm on property which is the labour job, everything from carpentry to welding, building to tearing. The work duties have two main times...1:30-3:30, and 3:30 to 5:30, the time you don't have shift is free time, otherwise your working. Then it's dinner time and we eat... food that varies but overall we all like it, then the evenings are basically toss up, every night is different,
Monday is more lectures,
Tuesday is "small groups" (i'll describe that in a bit),
Wed is the free night,
Thursday (heh) night is "outreach" where we go out into the city and such to talk to people about everything from what Ywam is, to Jesus, to what batman movie is the best (WHAT? JON'S AT A CHRISTIAN THING? WOAH WOAH WOAH) , i'm on a "skatepark" team...the best I think.
Friday is... i can't remember to be honest.. thinking... thinking...oh yea, free night except the Base puts on a friday night service so we go to that.
Weekends are free except for weekend duties that kind of cycle so you only have it a few times
there, so that was the itinerary, now "small groups" is essentially your "pod", there are a bunch of staff in charge of our school (DTS 'classic' as I call it, there is Sports DTS, Surfers DTS, BSN, SOW, etc etc many schools here) and every leader has a bunch of students who they are more personally in charge of. So once a week we have a "one on one" with out leader where they just check up on us i guess.... or something, and then on tuesday we do stuff as a little group, go into town together etc. (Chris is in my group, It's his Mac)

This week we are learning about "Lordship", Now, for those of you who arn't interested in hearing about "Christianity Stuff"... keep reading HAH. Essentially Lordship is about understanding that in the scheme of life, nothing should come before God, which you would think is a given.. but actually goes quite a bit deeper. It's about being willing to lay down everything if God was to ask you to, and although that at first may sound like some kind of suicide attempt "What?? Give up EVERYTHING i've earned and worked for?" you realise that so many people who have... have received so many blessings as a result (modern day people, i'm not just talking about "bible stories" for you cynics out there). Anyways, I won't go into a large thing about religion, religion vs. science, whether you believe religion is a "crutch" etc right now, becuase i'm writing a blog not an essay or debate BUT I'm completly open to hear any critisicm from any readers, communication is key for friendships, and I'd love to discuss and hear what you have to say about any of these things (and i'm nottt going to just argue my own opinions, i'm too much of a diplomat (as a previous speaker told me) who knows.. my opinions might be closer to yours than you think..dun dun dun). FUN!
Anyways, this weekend we're going into the outback as a school to go camping, which is cool. My school leader Caleb Brownhill actually did his DTS in Westbank (Kelownas YWAM is down at green bay), and then did his outreach to both Tofino and Fiji. cool.
Well, thats all i can think of... I need to go the washroom (or Thunderbox as the Aussies call it), so i'll wrap this up.
Oh! went to this thing called "Church together" on sunday night, it was allt he churches in perth coming together for one HUGE service/concert. 5-6,000 people all packed on this field with fireworks (nice ones) good concert of this band called "Hillsong United" (United is important, i guess "Hillsong" is a bunch of old people, Hillsong United is the younger ones, really good show!
And that's that.

This picture reminds me of 'Mallrats'
(Too much fun with Mac's Mike...)


Love, Jonathan
Saturday, November 04, 2006
A Sequel
(Casey, i've been listening to alot of Legion of Doom in the past few days, so yea... say hi to steph for me as well, and i'm working on getting back to you so calm down... CALM DOWN! WOAH)
Actually, Casey, theres a girl here who kind of reminds me of you mannerism wise...well she started too, but then i, noone beats or even comes close to casey, then i started getting pumped on disneyland haha. BAM
and Mike, i know you have Skype, so Get back to me
And everyone else...hey, this is a really quick blog entry as i have to quickly run off, so I'll get back to better/more interesting whatnots later (if People are interested in how the actual School itself is going, then please tell me haha i could write so much more about the actual course itself...but i feel like the only thing people want to know about are the homeless and kangaroos.... the most interesting stories i've been writing so far...
man Jon.... get on top of things!
Freaking IDIOT ughhhh
Monday, October 30, 2006
I'm really sorry for not updating this in the past week or so, the internet has been down here at the base and seeing as i'm completly relying on when other people arn't using their laptops to be able to update this, i was not too frequent in the "records of my misadventures" of sorts.
So...what have we missed.... well in the past week we've had people dress like pirates, I've held hands with a homeless guy who had a #2 accident in his pants, I've watched....2 episodes of scrubs? (I've always been wrong place wrong time, Will watches them on his laptop alwyas when I'm in town or don't have the time to watch the full thing). I've been listening to Cry of the afflicted mostly, suprisingly some AFI, which i don't know why i seem to be enjoying.... I've never really liked them before... what is happening to me...
ANYWAYS, again, thank you to everyone who has sent me e-mails, now that I have computer access I will do everything I can to get back to you.
Hmmm.... seeing as this is the first time I've updated in a while, I feel like I'm forgetting all the 'big events' that MUST have happened to me in my "absence from this blog".... here are some point form things...
- This Country Sucks up my money.... I had to get immunisation shots today for my travels that will occur in Late december- March, and WOW were those my wallet.
- One of the guys I'm friends with here looks like superman we think, his name is kyle so my nickname for times is Kal-el or Kyle-el, whichever one comes out first. For Danny and Mike, i'm sure you understand, danny for sure
"Wait wait....who's this Kal-el everyone keeps talking about.......... do you know anything about spiders?"
- Mike, you will be happy to know I'm using and have been using a Mac. I love it more than anything, and I admit defeat and say that you were right. There was something else i thought about the other day that i wanted to write on the blog for you...but I honestly can't remember i'll leave it at "I love you" and move on
What is this... a castle for ANTS?
- The other night I went into Perth with some friends, FIRST, the history of the situation... Here in Perth, my allergys have been killing me (Hayfever whatever) anyways, that mixed with a cold that's been going around my nose is completly blocked up and I can't smell a THING. Anyways, the other day I was in Perth, and i struck up conversation with this 71 year old Homeless man siting on a bench in the main square. After some talking, (he was very...incoherant and confused) he asked if i (we by this time, My other friend Jon (fro) had shown up) so he asked if WE could help him walk to where he could get a bus. So we help him stand up and he grips both out hands very very tightly and puts all his weight it seemed on us as we helped him walk VERY slowly towards the street. I told some other friends to take a picture, because it's not too often that you have two 18 year olds holding hands with a 71 year old homeless man walking him down the street. They didn't take any pictures for reasons I will later reveal. Anyways we walk this guy to the trainstation and none of the transit guards are ANY help at all, they were really rude actually so we left hte station and asked the police if they could help us. When the homeless guy couldn't remember where he was from i looked in his bag and pulled out a piece of paper that was actually a Bail Hearing record of something, and it turns out this guy (max was his name) was actually prohibited frmo being in that area. Anyways the cops didn't want to have anything to do with him, as they put it "we have better things to do than to deal with you max, so get out of here" so Jon and i did everything we could to see if we could get ahold of any family that he could phone, unfortunatly he coudn't remember any numbers. Eventually the police told us we can leave so we did and we walked back across the sqquare (30-45 min later?) to our friends. As we come back one of them goes "WOAH you guys STINK" and i was completly taken aback. "What?? why??" "you smell like that guy!" now i'm thinking what a horrible thing to say! until they then explain that it turns out our poor max had had an accident of sorts in his pants that was staining all the way down one of his pant legs at the back, but i never saw him from any direction that the front when i was talkign with him/ helping him walk, and i couldn't smell it becuase of my nose (haha jon said the smell was so repulsive that he diddn't want to walk over and help me in the first place) so then everything fell into place such as why the Transit Guards didn't want him going anywhere near the trains or buses, and why my friends didn't take a picture as we walked him down the square. AND THAT was that evening.
(I also bought a sweet T-shirt for 3 dollars, it has a kangaroo on it i was pumped)
OH! AMANDA i've been listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers too, so yea. I like Under the Bridge, My friend Will can perform it SOO well.
So thats all I can think of for now. Internet is back so i'll be able to update as soon as exciting things happen, I'm using a different computer than the ones i was using before, so i havn't put pictures onto this one, but I might update this one/ Make a new post so that all you wonderful readers have pictures. Becuase everyone knows things are so much more fun to read when they have pictures.
(I just went through some opf the pictures that he had on his computer and was reminded that last week we had the coolest speaker who was from New Zealand blah blah, anyways on thursday he invited us to where he was staying, his really nie "YWAM suite" heh.... anyways it's nicer than where we stay, but we had our whole school packed into his little room watching a projection of "Whale Rider" which didn't work so all the hype was for nothing
This is 1/4 of my DTS.. mabye less, everyone usually looks alot better but i just like what Jon is doing in it, so i thought i'd use it.

haha i saw this too.... Just to quelle any possibly curiositys...
I do wear a touque even in Australian Summer

(Not all the time, actually Jukka gave me his qhite hat that you can see him wearing in previous pictures, and now i wear that most of the time) ANYWAYS enough about me
Now it's all about you!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Every Loves Raymond... Except Chuck Norris
Welll, the last few days have been relativly uneventful, but here are some pictures
James (19) and Jon (18), Two of the people I hang out with the most. James is from New Zealand and Jon (fro) is from Vancouver (Abbotsford)
Jukka (22?) and Simon (23) Jukka is from Finland as well as his wife Evelina. I don't think i have a picture of her yet, mabye I do... you hopeful readers will have to wait I guess.
Actually this was some exciting news, on Saturday we went to the beach. The Surf was very big and really...irractic? Just waves everywhere with a very strong riptide that you could actually see. Anyways, turns out some boat tipped over with 5 people in it and they were lost at sea for a bit, and then some other people apparently were pulled with the current. 'Everyone was found' said some news guy, but they "closed off" the water and had 3 helicopters circling around the whole place and boats ripping around, cops on the beach, it was pretty cool.
Actually, becuase of my friday night I was really really tired (3 hours of sleep) so I went to these parliment houses...or perth, where they have these really nice gardens and while i was just enjoying myself i actually fell asleep. Only for a few min though, i didn't even realise i had... but i was woken up by some homeless guy named peter. Gave me a bit of a start i'm not going to lie, haha having this homeless guy standing almost on top of me looking down going "Why are you asleep here?" anyways, it all worked out (I gave him a Dollar).
Oh, i didn't go to the Unearth show.... ummm i'm listening to misery signals... and I have listened to as much of the Cry of the Afflicted: Consume this Wasteland CD as I can each day, I try to finish it every day.
hmm thus far pictures stopped loading.... so I'm afraid I'll have to keep rabbling on.
Today I really did do nothing....wait no, i watched a movie on a friends laptop. "Willow" It's like Lord of the Rings... done by George Lucas.... with Val Kilmer. hmm... And right now people are watching Narnia not far from me. You see this City SHUTS DOWN after like...3's so bizzare.
Pictures STILL not working, very very irritating. So Irritating in fact that i'm going to give up on the blog for now. And goign to give short and sweet points of things i was going to write about
-Havn't been able to Buy the New It Dies Today yet... and yes it is tearing me apart as much
as you might think
- Shout out to Amanda and Nicole and a thank you for Commenting on my blog
- Havn't seen any more green eyed crows (Thankfully, they make a horrible sound)
- MAIL! if anyone wants heh to send me a little letter or anything mail related that isn't
anE-mail and such, then here is my reachable address. I didn't give it out before because
I didn't know it, but now quite a few people have been getting mail and i thought, woah,
I didn't know we could get mail... anyways this is the info.
PO Box 8501, Perth Buisness Centre, Western Australia 6849
Mail must be adressed to Jon(athan) Arkle NOT "YWAM" otherwise they will open my stuff. Nosy buggers.
OH! On my birthday YWAM people chipped in and bought me a present, it was a boomerang, and today Jon and I went to throw our boomerangs around (he got on on his birthday which was a few days after mine) anyways, This German friend of mine Adrian threw it, it came back, but he ducked and it slid under the door to this City Storage shed thing... So we spent the next little while trying to get it out haha that was fun
I'd put up pictures of our attempts, but this website is annoying.
Another day
- Jonathan
Friday, October 20, 2006
Friday Night
Background: All week in classes we’ve been learning about intercession and worship (in a sense, “hearing Gods voice”. The Speaker was this guy named (name removed), really awesome guy who is a missionary in Chiinnahh. Really cool week, strengthening people’s belief in being able to hear God speak to them.
1) I’m running to the auditorium to have supper when I’m caught by this base leader “Ari” who asks me if I could help out the guy who he is with. He was with this homeless man who was quite out of it, shaking a little. I asked him if there was anything I could get for him, food, drink, and he asked for both coffee and tea. So I went and got this stuff for him and then he introduced himself as Peter. Now when he said his name, possibly because of the past week, something in me was like “Bam” Peter, there was SOMETHING about the name, and I began to think that because Ari had chosen me to help, maybe it was something significant.
I changed my mind after a while just accepted it as a good deed that I could do I guess nothing significant, and did my best to accommodate this guy, and then when Friday night meeting was over, I left to go to Kaio with my friends.
2) After being at Kaio for a while, some friends and I started getting tired and decided to head home. I walked downstairs ahead of the rest (Kaio is 2 floors) and when I got the ground floor, I saw this guy talking to one of the workers (Ashley). The guy looked like he was really intense into his conversation, so naturally I was intrigued. I went to sit down with them at the table and listen to what he had to say and it turns out he was a marine, he had been in Afghanistan for 16 months and that night had had a ‘bit’ to drink. He then introduced himself as Pete and I decided right there… woah, I should stay and talk with his guy. Kaio closes at 11-12, but Ashley, Kim (another worker there) and myself stayed talking with Pete until 2 am. As the evening moved on he began to sober up but also get a lot more emotional and spiritual about how much he wants God to be in charge of his life etc and how he doesn’t think that God could use him for his deeds because of all the “evil things” he’s done. He opened up to us that night about some of the stuff he’d done overseas and the pain that this guy felt… I can’t write well enough to have you understand. I was so thankful I could have been a part of that that night, apparently he’d started turning towards God a few months ago, but would keep slipping away, but last night I’m sure was something he won’t forget. It was powerful.
Side note: Ashley and Kim both did their DTS school with Justin! For those reading who know the significance of that. I’m going to get some contact info through them (they still keep in touch with him, so that will hopefully be cool).
3) Anyways, the trains stop going to my stop after 12, so I walked the two women home and then continued on to where I live (Called 228). Once I got back to 228 I went to brush my teeth and get ready for bed, and as I’m brushing my teeth, I can hear voices coming from the alleyway behind 228. I ignore it at first (with the odd though of “who could be up and talking with others at 3 am?”) But then I felt this immense feeling of “Go and find those voices and talk to them”
Now, this I completely brushed off thinking, “nah, I’m tired and that’s just my 3 am mind telling me to do that because of a) curiosity, and b) I had already had such a spiritual night I was ready to have any other kind of encounter” But as I walked towards my bed down the hallway of 228 again this urge filled me, like I was talking to myself, but different
“go find the voices and talk to them” so again I ignored and continued (I did put my ear up to the girls and guys dorms rooms just to see if it was people laughing at joking who were still awake, but nothing, it was outside). “Go and Find the Voices and talk to them”
Then FINALLY I decided, whatever it’s not going to do my any harm to walk around the block and find out where those voices are coming from so I went outside and began to walk around to the back of the building. Now along the road there are a few apartments and I could see light, hear music and hear laughter coming out of one of them, obviously a party, so I figured, “there we go, found the voices, bedtime” then again “Go and talk to them” now I’m thinking “nah…nuh uh… I’m not going to walk into someone’s apartment and go ‘hi, I’m Jon…I felt like I should talk to you’” but this feeling… this... ”voice” in my head was persistent, so I kept walking and then as I round the block, there are two people, and now the only two people I can hear, sitting on the grass across the street from the alleyway behind 228, (Two women, one on the ground, the other crouching, talking). I walk towards them and the one crouching quite abruptly tells me
“No, no, get away, this is an emotional conversation, not the time go away” so I awkwardly apologize for approaching and begin to walk away, and then the feeling “No, you go back now and talk to them”. So not knowing what to say, I walk down the street a bit more towards the base and then turn around and begin to come back. I’m out of their view, and as I approach, the one who had shooed me away stands up and leaves to go back to the party, leaving the one who was crying on the ground alone. So I think. Wow, perfect opportunity to “Talk to the voices I heard” and I start up conversation. I tell her I’m a Christian and that I didn’t want to weird her out but I felt God wanted me to speak with her. She scoffed me a bit but was still willing to talk and actually said she appreciated having someone she didn’t know to talk to. The Reason she was upset was because her boyfriend of many years and her had broken up…. his name was Peter.
We talked outside for a while and then went inside to her apartment because she was cold and continued to talk about everything from God to “which batman movie is best”. She wasn’t completely open to Christianity and defiantly had her opinions on it, but she did listen, and we ended up talking until 5 am. She has an incredible history… but I won’t get into that now, but one amazing thing is she’s had the queen of England stay over at her childhood house, and has had Nelson Mandela walk her to school holding her hand on 2 occasions. Wow.
Anyways, at 5 we both realized we should head off, she had her best friend’s birthday party she should go back and join them at that (a few apartments down these are ground level outside door apartments, not a complex) and I remembered that I hadn’t turned off my alarm clock for weekdays so it would be going off in 15 min…..much to the distaste of my roommates on an early Saturday morning. So I went home, slept for 3 hours, woke up and told some people my adventures of sorts haha. Watched some episodes of “Scrubs” on my friend Will’s laptop with some friends, then decided to type this up on a friends laptop while it was fresh on my mind so I could put it here on a blog.
I think I’ll go to the beach today.
Sorry for no photos I’ll take some at the beach and update by tomorrow, so today’s post is a ‘quick’ fun read. But there is no doubt in my mind that there was something significant about my encounters yesterday with Peters and those situations, and I choose to call it God.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Oy tuggah!
Nothing big and new to talk about....
I'm going to go to a coffee shop
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Th'day I had my B'day was a G'day
Well, it's been a while since I updated this, I apologise
However here it is, the exciting update full with Videos and pictures (ALL BY JON, TO AVOID CONFUSION)
So, since I last updated I had my Birthday. On Oct 12 I had my first (mabye not last) Australian birthday and that was pretty cool. The Base has made a pool to buy people gifts on their birthdays (there is one almost every day, it's an odd occurance for there NOT to be at least 2 birthdays, mine was a double), and I got a Boomerang. I can't throw it very well, it does turn in the air, but doesn't really come back the full way.... it's still really fun to throw though.
My original plan was to update last wed after going to the beach to watch the sunset in the west (over the indian ocean wow!) BUT those plans fell through....until today we went to the beach again (we go quite often) but it was really really windy and we wimped out before staying for the sunset....ate fish and chips though, that was good enough. (We figured we have enough time to see the sunset, might as well go on a better day)
Now I don't think I've mentioned this before, but right across from where I am living is Perth's Soccer stadium, and every sunday is a soccer game. When we got back from the beach another friend and I went to the Game and got in free becuase it was only 15 min left. Perth Vs. Queensland

So thats a view of the game. The Photo doesn't do the sky justice, it was pretty cool. We only saw the last 15 min of the game, but as a result got in free, so that was pretty sweet.

Woahh Cool.....
So there is some eye candy for you readers, I'll try to think of some other things to take pictures of etc.... and i can't really think of what else to write about...
Okay, so as some of you may know I'm not here in Australia for the ENTIRE 6 months, but for the last 2.5 of this time I have an "outreach" and here is the tentative list of places I may be sent...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The Birds in Australia are like....lets say if every bird was a parrot....well, I can honestly say that every bird is like a wierd parrot, even the crows have bright green eyes, pretty cool. Then we saw/heard one of my new favorite birds, the kookabura SO loud, and SUCH an awsome sound. It's like a piercing loud laugh..ish. Really cool.
Then when we got back, we hear some other people going "hey we saw kangaroos" Whatt? awsome, so some friends and i went into the brush to try to find them, we didn't go far until we saw one kind of throught eh tall grass and plants...very jurrasic parkish. The thing got spooked though and it bolted, so all we saw was a, dissapointing...and most people turned back to lunch. However, a friend (Big German guy, Tobias [Tobeeus]) went farther, and farther and farther, but we still didn't find any BUT then on our way back, the Kangaroo from earlier came out....and another...which had a joey in it's pouch! so we saw a male, female and joey, then we went through the bush (even though we had been told not to due to tiger snakes) and we got some cool pictures and video. THen later on, i was with some other friends, and thoguht i saw something hopping off in the i went to check it out, and it was some MORE kangaroos! really cool. (DID YOU KNOW? WITHOUT THEIR TAILS KANGAROOS COULD NOT BALANCE?)
We had a boat war out on the lake that was at this park, got in trouble with hte warden, good times, ground was covered in brown chunks about the size of wheaties (Kangapoo as a my friend Simon from Sidney put it) and that was that day. (SATURDAY)
The Next day (Sunday for those lacking the mental capacity for logic) Some of us went to the beach. The water was cold, but it was worth it, i have been swimming in the indian ocean, woah. The beach was...the beach, nothing "SPECIAL" (like animals that hop around) BUT apparntly it has the most beautiful sunsets in WA (West Australia) so on wednesday when we have the most free time (other than weekends) we might go down to the beach at sunset, get some pictures. Sunday night i went out for coffee with some friends to this coffee place that YWAM kind of set up KAIO (i think) and we just hung out there until we came home and slept, then i'm here today.
Last Friday Was a friday night meeting (of church sorts) that was kind of cool... and this week in 'classes' we're talking about repentance and forgiveness...which is seeming quite vindictive... but thats kind of how things are here. Otherwise things are going great. I met this Wierd metal band on sunday night they play in a garage near the base, really dark characters, but i met them all, learned their names, now i have some people to pray about when we're supposed to pray. heh.
And, it's my Birthday in a few days now....thursday (LIKE THE SHIRT I"M WEARING! WOAH) . Yep. Thats all the news, I'll update again soon.
To my loyal readers I love you Mike. hahah
EDIT All Pictures and Video are taken by me...not just found on the internet... If it's on the blog, it's captured by Jon.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Two goals accomplished
Also I'lm going to try to go to Killswitch Engage and Unearth, they play on the 20th and the 21rst, so a friend and i are going to try to see them. Mike jealous much? Pwned.
SEND ME E-mails!!! I can print them off and i guarantee i will be reading them! Thank you SO MUCH casey for your e-mail we'll talk soon and i can tell you how much i loved it hahah, also to brenda thank you so much also! Really nice e-mail, i loved it.
Guaaaarrds (If you know who you are, haha I didn't expect you to read this)
Time to buy some food for breakfasts and figure out where the venue is. TO PERTH
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Well..... i'm here, but I'm going to have to say that i have some crazy mixed feelings about all of this... on the positive side,
I'm in Australia
... and anyone who knows me well enough can probably think about my excitment about being here...."Jon" + a country with kangaroo's and such... yea it's pretty sweet. I've only been into Perth a few times, but the YWAM base is just down the block from the train station, and it's a 2 min train ride, so it's RIGHT there which is pretty sweet. I have yet to eat kangaroo, HOWEVERR i did find some kangaroo steak, which wasn't QUITE what i was looking for, but it may have to do. Aussies are pretty nice, I talked to some emo looking Aussie's in perth to ask them about any local shows and next week is taste of chaos, however i doubt i will be able go becuase of...
downside, YWAM has a lackage of free time, weekends are pretty much free except for some work duties, and the days are taken up by classes.... now remember people I am at a christain organisation so this next part try not to find it wierd... but everyone here...lets say that they are much more "holy" than me. The way Ywam seems to work is that popularity is based off of how many book sof hte bible you have memorized.... kind of. So here i am, being a bit of a character who does not put "EVERY" problem i have to "prayer" or "having a undying bleh bleh bleh for God" i tend to have this "First with the head, then with the heart" mindset, and don't find it easy to understand those who just say "i'll pray about it alot" "I'll see what god wants me to do" (but not in a casual way, it's quite militant. I don't have nearly the wide repetoir of gospel songs memorized that other people do, and i can't play hymns on guitar.....
And it's only been 3 days.
And with that I leave for now, when i get more settled thats when e-miasl and such will start to pop up but for now i figure it's better to adapt than to report.
Seeyalata as the aussies say... yikes
Thursday, September 28, 2006
With less than 24 hours till I have to be heading out of the okanagan for the next half a year... I'm beginning to get nervous... I will try to keep thish updated so READ, and
thats what i liked about this "blog" as opposed to myspace or xanga, is that anyone can comment on it you don't have to be a "member" or anything, so this way, anyone and everyone can read
With less than 24 hours till I have to be heading out of the okanagan for the next half a year... I'm beginning to get nervous... I will try to keep thish updated so READ, and
thats what i liked about this "blog" as opposed to myspace or xanga, is that anyone can comment on it you don't have to be a "member" or anything, so this way, anyone and everyone can read
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Completly Uncalled For
Look! Funny!
I think the face the guy being joked on makes when he's asked the first question (facing at the camera) is hilarious