Sunday, November 19, 2006

Banana Pancakes

Ack, I fell behind, Internet was outish again.

This morning it's raining, and it's beautiful. I'm listening to Sum 41- Does this Look Infected and boy does it bring back memories of Mexico. (Casey, Davis (heh), Ryan, Weon Joon, Rob, Nazuki, Robin, wow awsome times witih Mr. Arcuri)

Anyways, the other night (Sat) they had some "farce awards"night, to give people who live on base some funny awards (everything from look alike to 'foot in mouth' award, best toilet story on outreach etc). It was also a half birthday thing for the Founder/ Leader of Perth YWAM base. At the night they wanted people to either dress their best or dress as movie star's etc. That day I had worn a bandana and then chucky comes across this revelation that "JON LOOKS LIKE BAM MARGERA!", I didn't really think so, but I played along, and went as Bam. Pictures are below. (It was suprising to say the least, up to that point soo many people say I look like Tom Cruise in his younger years. Some people just call me "Tom", so it was cool to hear I "look" like someone else)

Last night I watched "Tears of the Sun", some Bruce Willis movie about Rebels in Uganda, kind of a mix of Predator... Hotel Rawanda and Saving Private Ryan.... good movie none the less.

This week in lectures it's the one everyone has been looking forward to because it's so different from the rest of the lectures. "Relationships" haha, but not just in the romantic sense, just relationships with people in general. The Sports DTS and us (DTS classic as I like to call it) are being molded into one class for the week, Should be cool.

BUT the really cool news of the weekend was the Red Bull Air Race. On Sunday there was an Air Race on the Perth river, really cool, planes doing this course of sorts (Individually though, like time trails). It was the final, and had some F-18's at the end do some cool stuff. haha there was even a Jumbo Jet that flew over and went up and down over the river, that was cool.

And thats the weekend's update. Listen to Jack Johnson.

Pictures! (sorry to many for this being a "kangaroo post")

Me -- Peter Jackson (Travis) -- Tobias.

Cory (SOE) and I

Class, don't let people see your camera.

Me.. in front of the river.

Bubble Tea phenomenon.

Airplane can you see it?

Elton John. (Phil SDTS)



Anonymous said...

saawweeeet. love the pics... so we know that its actually jon posting these blogs and not some crazy Australian Jon-imposter. Yeah I'm weird, and I just woke up so forgive the weirdness. later.


Anonymous said...

haha, mom and I both agree that you look MUCH older!
but only you would wear a toque in the middle of the summer... in Australia :D nice going (miss winter that much?)
anyway, lol, you sound like your doing great, but it sure would be nice to get a phone call from time to time (hint hint)
but I have school, I'll send you an E-mail later

Anonymous said...

I dont like how your wearing sandals....because if i did that...i would get know what, im going to anyway...think your so cool with your summer pff.two can play that game

Anonymous said...

Man, i miss you jon... come back to me soon! P.S. nice Blog.


Anonymous said...

Mang stephen got a nintendo wii the other day and it is amazing Jon AMAZING. You would love it, so we have to play it when you get back. Oh and you look nothing like Bam. You do look like Tom Cruise though, which is sweet, that Wacky scientologist.