Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Tony: You can't get your heart broke if you fall in love every 20 minutes...
Jon: Haha, broken hearts are overrated... romanticized by musicians and poets :(
Tony: The assholes... like I needed another reason to drink
Jon: We'll get back at them... someday, somehow
Tony: Write our own songs. Ballads of Brotherhood, poems of passionate victory
Jon: Limericks of Life!
Tony: Sonnets of strength!
Jon: Haikus of heraldry!
Tony: Verdent Frendship in Free Verse!
Jon: Iambic Pentameters of idyllic persons!
Tony: Odes to originality!
Jon: Quatrains of courage!
Tony: Epics of excitement!
Jon: Couplets of charisma!
Tony:I'm all out. Good show
Jon: Phew, that was the last of my artillary.. haha I didn't know what I would follow the next one with. You began though, so we'll call it a draw
Tony: War is tough... almost like a chorus of companionship
Jon: Haha bravo. That was sneaky... like stanza.

Tony: I swear this class just wants to kill me. It's sentient an' vicious
Jon: Those are the worst... those and gnomes
Tony: Ugh. Your telling me. Dylan is actually playing one in our current campaign. Un-fucking-believable
Jon: hahah fantastic placement of an explicative
Tony: Thank you, I can do but try... Gnomes have that effect on me
Jon: It's butterflies for me... they think they are so great..
Tony: Don't worry. Bottom of the food chain an' incredibly short life span. They're made to look pretty pretty for us on warm spring days. Then they die.
Jon: You say the most beautiful things
Tony: I have my suspicion we have the same purpose for trees. That's why I support clear cutting.

SONG! (Sort of...?)

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