Thursday, November 24, 2011

An unexpected party

Rob visited!!

I feel like documenting it on the blog is appropriate seeing as this blog began when I was living in Australia, and you will likely see him mentioned a fair bit back in the earliest posts. 
What a great surprise though, I was out at Doc's with some folk celebrating Ben's brother's birthday when suddenly a strange "Unknown" calls my phone with the number +01234567.  Odd...

I answer it only to hear a fantastic Irish accent say "Jon Arkle!  It's Rob Lewis here".  Best surprise ever.  He continues to say that he has a chance to come to BC and would love to meet up with me, which he did a few days later.  Awesome.

The best part about having friends like Rob is that you can jump right back into where you were at despite a 5 year hiatus.  Even though it felt like ages since we'd last seen each other, hanging out was like we had seen each other last week.  Those are the friendships that count in my opinion.  Lots of talk of Lord of the Rings, Movie soundtrack quizzes, Philosophy, Ethics, Faith, Guinness, and old friends.   What a great week.

Unfortunately his trip back wasn't the best for him. He was trapped in the early morning on a broken down bus in a valley with no reception outside of Chilliwack.   As a result he missed his flight and thus began phone tag with the airline trying to move his reservation, and he slept on the airport floor ("slept like a baby" he said).

None the less, for my part at least it was worth having him here.

Also, my nerdiness knows no bounds... I don't own a Nintendo system, but that didn't stop me from pre-ordering the new Zelda game.   I just like owning it.  So now I've got to figure out a way to borrow someones Wii so I can play it.
It came with a soundtrack CD, full Symphony, awesome.

AND!  I bought a new Camera, which I'm still playing around with and having a great time.  I probably could find things more productive to do with my time, BUT here I am writing a blog, so maybe not.

As you can see, I'm pretty much a professional photographer now.  So, that's cool.

1 comment:

JmK said...

excellent choice of camera.... and to know that you pre-ordered zelda despite not having a wii brings me near tears. i feel so... understood. next time we will need to make it a trip with the three of us.