Friday, June 08, 2007

Just Super

So today I had off, not on my own accord however. You see the situation was that on Wed. I get a talking to from my boss saying that the higher ups have commanded me that I can't work on Friday as well as the Saturday graveyard shift because there is not enough time in between the two shifts and it is close to double time which they don't want to pay etc etc.
ANYWAYS, as it would happen I don't come in to work on Friday because i needed to work the Graveyard shift, but I get a call saying they figured it out and there IS enough time in between shifts just as long as I NEVER EVER STAY OVERTIME ON FRIDAY.
So, as thankful as I am that they figured it out and I can keep my convenient Monday Tuesday weekend, I kind of wish I could have gone into work today (found out earlier), especially after seeing the pay stub that I got the other day. Huzzah for work!

I enjoy my job.

I've realised how random my music listening habits actually are.... I'll go from listening to
some amazing music such as Iron and Wine or "I can make a mess like nobody's business" (*Vanessa I think you would love the latter of those two) I"ll then switch to something such as In Flames (which is what's currently playing) or As I Lay Dying, which is arguably heavier. Random. I'm glad I'm able to appretiate it both... I've even founded a soft spot for folk! haha This guy Greg Graffin is the lead singer for one of my favorite all time bands called "Bad Religion". They are an old school California punk band who have been around forever. This guy is in his 40's or so and still making music with both Bad Religion and this solo project of his which is surprisingly... folk music. I'd reccomend anyone reading this who knows how to preview music on the iTunes Store to check him out, especially the song "Don't be Afraid to Run".

What else is remotely interesting for now...

OH! My sister borrowed a game boy from her friend and he's got some game which has no label and has obviously been bought from some illegal source, China? (haha China is illegal, I need to learn how to write better) who knows. Because it's got like... 10 games on one! Full games too. Now usually this wouldn't fascinate me too much because I'm fairly selective when it comes to video games that I like, but this one had Ninja Turtles games, including the old school Arcade one which i remember my Cousin having for the original NES. Which excited me quite a bit.
So I played that a bit, tried to save April from the Foot in this burning building and this Rhino guy with a gun. But after that the Shredder came out of nowhere! Grabbed April and jumped through a window into the second level... but by that point I had lost interest because I think I had already made my point that Donatello was a better Ninja than the hordes of "the foot", and I turned off the game boy.


JmK said...

dude, you are a bad religion fan? man, why did i not know that? i guess because i was too scared to talk about it at ywam.

vanessa said...

Ha. Too scared to talk about it at YWAM.

What does "the latter" mean? A.K.A... You think I'd like Iron and Wine? You are right my friend... I to them = Thorough enjoyment. Orrrr... did you mean the other one... Which I don't know about at all.