Sunday, January 02, 2011

So THIS is the New Year!

Happy New Year Friend(s?)

So far the year is off to an awesome start. I feel like I'm on a constant high, and it makes me very happy, (as constant highs do).

It's a funny feeling really... usually the new year brings a traditional quoting of "Death Cab for Cutie" quotes, particularly "So this is the new year... I don't feel any different". This is ironic to me, becuase for whatever strange reason, I do feel different. Filled with anticipation, and also... a strange sense of freedom. My own personal revelation on New Years eve brought it on, and it's fantastic.

This is my "January 2011" song... I've already plagued facebook with it, so I'm sure any readers of my blog have seen that already. I've associated it with my new outlook, and therefore it makes me happy by association. The fact that it's an amazing song also helps.

BUT, in case you are tired of the Jonsí song, and you enjoy little song recommendations, this is my favorite song today, it's called "Stop Smoking Because It's Not Good For You".

Also, on the Music note, this is still very exciting to me

But yea. I am very happy. So I wish you a very happy new year as well, because this is a great feeling


vanessa said...

Happy year monsieur! I just wrote about how tomorrow my nightmares become a reality. At this moment I'm hoping your positivity will seep deep into my soul and stay there.

Anonymous said...

Let's build a year they'll never be able to tear down.