Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Word math!

"Oh Jon, that last blog was self serving and whiny"
Yea? Get this...

So this week is off to a fantastic start... I'll put it into an equation
Exam Season + Coffee + Laptop = ?

(I'll reorganize that to get my point across a little bit better)

Coffee + Laptop +Exam Season = ?

For those of you who may not have caught on... I'll formalize the logic a little bit more

(Coffee + Laptop) + Exam Season = ?

Now granted, it was a mistake... not on my part, somebody else spilled said coffee on said computer (Coffee got spilled on the computer, I assumed you caught on, but just in case), so I can't be mad... what's done is done, and now I need to figure out how to arrange my next few weeks around getting papers done plus getting computer repaired (hopefully).
Furthermore, to add to this week being "awesome", in the Lumber Grading course today I was wrong on every answer I was called on... the worst part about that is it doesn't matter how right you may have been in other answers, you still appear to be a complete moron to the rest of the class when the few answers that you bunged up on are the ones that are announced to the class. Swell.
Also... sickness can go away, if it doesn't mind.
Nobody said that the blog was self serving and whiny, but I am quick to assume that my voicing might come across as such..

I hate the blog being a place to whine... be all preachy and wax philosophic yes, but whine? pfft. (wahhhh! I wish I could just chat with...

Changing subjects!
I wanted to riff about one of these two pictures, couldn't decide which one, so went with both!

I love this. It's the directors cut!! I mean, it must be a good movie now right? Not only have they re-released it, but now as a directors cut? I always find it funny when movies that were pretty much universally destroyed by critics get a "directors cut" release... as if going with the original version of the directors already awful vision will somehow result in something worthwhile. Furthermore, it wasn't just the director that made this movie bad... it bad bad everything. Adding more scenes with Bhen Aflack isn't going to make the movie magically better... "Ohhhh, we missed that one scene where he was GOOD!"

I can't wait for the "Catwoman: Directors Cut" to come out, and we all realize that Holy Berry was part of the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time... it just got cut a little short.

Now this one... I don't know if you can read it when opening the picture... but instead of ranting about it, I'd just like to say that I want to go with someone now. Who's in? We now have breakfast AND dinner plans!
(Weirdest marketing ever though...)
Especially because I feel like Shrimp is an appetizer food you know? Like... the kind of thing that is on a platter with tarter sauce or whatever, and you have about five and think "yeaa... I'm done"... but that?? Hilarious

Anyways, "play em off Jonny" "Andy?"

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